To prepare a Quote or Invoice for a client you must first enter the client into the system.
On the Client record the tab Invoicing Details holds all the information relating to how invoices/quotes will be prepared for this client. To access this tab you can go Clients >Search Clients then open a client record and click on the Invoicing Details tab.
When you first enter a client the tick-box Same As Client Details will be ticked. This means that any data you enter into the Client Details tab will be automatically copied across to the Invoicing Details tab. However sometimes you may wish to prepare invoices to a different person within the client (perhaps "Accounts") or send them to a different email address. In this case simply untick the Same As Client Details tick-box and enter your own information.
By default the address on the invoice will always be set to the Street Address of the client. You can change this using the drop down Address as shown above. Note if you choose Other as the drop down option then you can enter any address you wish in the fields that will appear.
Also by default the system will use the Standard payment terms as you have set them out in your MyCompany record, you can apply Custom payment terms just for this client by selecting Custom in the drop down and then entering your terms for this client. For example this can be useful where a client may be a slow payer and you wish to adjust the terms to a shorter period jsut for this client.
When you have entered your Invoicing Details be sure to click the Save button.