Notepad can be likened to a common yellow Post-It note. 

It's convenient and fast to write short notes or reminders, for either yourself or other users. It appears on your home page as one of the standard panels for the advanced home page and to the right of the tiles for the basic home page. 

When you log into your Blink account for the first time you will not have any notes in your Notepad. Blink will display a "holder" saying "You don't have any notes yet!". To add your first note just right-click on the Notepad and select Add New Note, now type your note and click Save and then Close the form. 

The notepad panel (with note) as shown below:

If you tick the Private tick box then the note can only be seen by you not other users of your system.

To edit an existing note, right-click on the note to select it (it will turn green when selected) and click the Edit button, when finished click Save and then Close the form.

To delete an existing note, right-click on the note to select it (it will turn green when selected) and click the Delete button, when finished click Save.