The home page is the page that is first displayed when you log into your Blink account. 

There are two different options you can choose for your home page (you can choose your preferred home page under the menu Admin > My Details > Home Page drop down), the options are:

Basic: this is the default option and shows a simple snap shot of your system with a count of the number of items you have such as invoices, quotes, expenses etc. There is also the Notepad. 

Advanced: provides a number of panels that contain current information in your system. Each user can select (customise) what panels they wish to have displayed on their home page, therefore only showing information they find relevant or useful. 

If you are using the Advanced home page when you log into your system for the first time you will see that you don't have any data appearing within the panels on your home page.  Therefore your home page panels will display "holders"  telling you that you don't have any data to display yet.  You will find once you start using your system these holders will disappear and your data will be displayed.

The selection of panels consist of:

Notepad: this is a place to store brief notes similar to Post-It notes. By default all users on your account can see a note unless you mark a note as private in which case only you can see it.

Active Tasks: shows the last five tasks that have a status of Open 

Recent Invoices: shows the last five created invoices (regardless of invoice status e.g. draft, sent)

Recent Payments Recieved: shows the last five payments received

Recent Time Tracker Entries: shows the last five entries in the Time Tracker module

My Blink Users: shows users that are active on your account 

Calendar: shows today's date with any appointments/meetings

To customise your home page:

Simply right click anywhere on your home page and a window will appear as below:

Select Control Dashboard from the options and the following window will appear:

Click the tick boxes to show/hide the panels you wish to have displayed on your home page. 

Click Apply and Save and your changes will be effective immediately, the system will keep your changes next time you log-in. 

To restore the default settings of your dashboard, right click on a panel heading and select Restore Default Settings.

Note, users will only be able to view a panels contents if they have access to that module (see How to: Set Access Levels)