Here is a quick guide to setting up your new Blink account. 

Try and complete the following set-up tasks before you start to use your Blink account.

Change your password & set your time zone:

From the top menu bar, click Admin > My Details and enter your new password, click Save and you will be asked to enter your password again to confirm it is correct.

While you are on this page it is important to set the Time Zone to match your current location - this will ensure all entries are time stamped according to your local date and time. 

Complete your Company Details:

From the top menu bar, click Admin > My Company this is where you enter information about your business. This information is used throughout the system. You should work your way through each tab completing all details. You will need to click Edit to input information into the fields.  Remember to click Save and then Cancel to close the form.

The Company Details tab is where you enter the contact and address information about your company. Pay particular attention to the Email field - this email address is from where your invoices and emails will be sent and where bounce notices and replys will be sent to. You must have an email address entered into this field. 

The Contact Details tab is where you complete your personal details and contact information.

Add your own logo to the banner of the system: (optional)

The My Logo tab is where you upload your logo. This logo will be displayed in the top left of the screen when you log into your Blink account.

Blink supports a logo that is 115 pixels wide or 40 pixels high. This size is measured in pixels. Custom logos should be created with these exact dimensions. If you are not sure of the dimensions of your logo, ask your designer. If you need to re-size your logo Blink can do it for you, just upload your logo and click the "Resize My Logo" link. 

For your company logo to be displayed you must tick the Use Custom Logo checkbox, then click the upload picture icon and click Browse File to select your logo file for upload. When complete click Upload and Save the My Company record. 

Note: You must log in/out (or refresh your browser) for your company logo to display. If you have trouble uploading a file, please check your logo dimensions.

Fill in some basic details about how you invoice:

The Invoicing Details tab is where you enter information that will appear on the invoices you send from your Blink Account.

You can upload the company logo that you'd like to appear on the invoices you send out via Blink. Your logo should be no larger than 250 pix wide or 150 pix high. If you need to re-size your logo Blink can do it for you, just upload your logo and click the "Resize My Logo" link. If you don't have a logo you can just enter your company name in the No Logo? field instead, this will then appear on invoices instead of a logo. 

Enter your company name, ABN, address, phone, fax, email address, and web address as you'd like it to appear on your invoice.

Enter the payment method(s) you'd like to appear on your invoices, for example: "Please pay by EFT to nominated bank account".

Enter the standard payment terms you'd like to appear on your invoice, for example "Please pay within 30 days".

See an example below:

Remember to save your changes by clicking the Save button on the My Company record.

Hint:  After you have entered your details and saved the form, click the View My Invoice Design link to see what your invoice will look like. You can adjust spacing and line breaks to make your invoice more attractive.

Hint: If your invoice is not appearing when you hit the View My Invoice Design link please check your browser pop-up blocker; it is probably not allowing pop-ups for

Add your products and services with your unit prices and charge rates for invoicing:

Blink allows you to save common tasks and hourly rates for services you provide and also product items and prices for products you sell. This way, when generating invoices from Blink you don't need to enter the same items each time you produce an invoice - you can simply select one of your standard rates. Note that rates can also be set for specific clients (customers).

The Stock Items menu (on the top menu bar) is where you set up service tasks/rates and product items/prices. Note that "New Service" menu is for your hourly rate for services provided to clients, while "New Products" is for items and prices for the products you may sell.

Click on the approriate menu button to add new products and services. Complete the details for the tasks/items, the client that it applies to (leave blank for it to be available for all clients or select an individual client for it to appear on that client's invoices only) and dollar amount (i.e. the hourly rate for the task or the unit cost for the item). Be sure to click Save when done. You are now ready to start invoicing and quoting.